As a charity, Oban Pride relies of funding to be able to run our events and activities.
We appreciate all support we receive whether it is financial or not.
We receive support from a lot of different places and our current funders & biggest supporters are listed below.
Lottery Community Fund
In 2019 Oban Pride received a grant of £10,000 from the Lottery Community Fund to run Oban Pride 2020.Â
Due to Covid-19 Oban Pride 2020 did not happen as a physical event and we had to move to a virtual event.Â
The funds from the Lottery Community Fund have been rolled over to help cover costs from Oban Pride 2021

Corra Foundation
In 2021, Oban Pride received a grant from The Corra Foundation to help us develop a new project to help tackle isolation and loneliness within the LGBTQ+ community as we were coming out of Lockdowns caused by the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Equality Network
Equality Network are an organisation who have been involved with Oban Pride from the very beginning.
Equality Network aims to bring about equality and improve the situation of human rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and Intersex (LGBTI) people in Scotland.
They provide opportunities for people to engage in making Scotland a place in which everyone, whatever their sexual orientation or gender identity, can live free from hatred, prejudice and discrimination.
They strive to be inclusive and open in our work, to challenge discrimination and to consult, involve and inform the individuals and the communities we serve.
Equality Network has provided key support to Oban Pride since the start of Oban Pride and especially during the COVID -19 pandemic. They have provided many opportunities for us to apply for funding for different projects.

Waverley Care
Waverley Care has been involved with Oban Pride from the very beginning and brought our Launch Team together.Â
Waverley Care, set up in 1989, is Scotland's HIV and Hepatitis C charity; a community of diverse and inspiring people united by the same goal – to make a positive difference in the lives of people affected by HIV or Hepatitis C in Scotland.

Pink Saltire
Pink Saltire have also been involved with Oban Pride from the beginning and introduced us to the UK Pride Organisers Network (UKPON) and the Scottish Pride Organisers Network (ScotPON)
Pink Saltire are Scotland’s community voice for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT+) people of all age groups, in every corner of the country, established in 2014. They aim to improve the representation of LGBT people, tackling stereotypes, which have been harmful for decades, and giving people the skills and resources to become activists for equality and diversity.
They also strive for better visibility of LGBT people in every community in Scotland, helping reduce isolation and discrimination, making communities stronger and more diverse.

UK Pride Organisers Network (UKPON) & Scottish Pride Organisers Network (ScotPon)
Both of these Networks offer help and support to Pride Organisers from all over Scotland and the UK. As well as meeting other Pride organisers virtually, they also hold annual conferences were Pride Organisers can come together and share experiences, stories, plans and dreams for the future, as well as asking each other for help & advice.Â
Some Prides who attend these meetings are also members of the European Pride Organisers Association (EPOA) or InterPride bringing even more knowledge and experience to others in the Networks.